Thursday, March 25, 2010


I am excited to report that the 10th grade and 11th reading scores were above the state requirement. I appreciate effort from those students and hope it continues in the future. I made a deal with the students that anyone improving their score from last year would receive pizza which I am figuring out when to do. We are also experiencing a swing in the weather which is causing a swing in behaviors. I hope that it soons evens out. We are also receiving a lot of the Apple products which is exciting and scary at the same time. We are making plans at the school and will eventually reach out to the community for support and guidance. Have a great day.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010


I am excited to announce that we had our first conversation with Apple about moving forward with the purchases and PD. A reminder that we will be having a musical Friday night at Terril with Middle School Students. I can not think of anything else to really say right now.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Music Show

Last night was a fabulous musical and dance event. If you were unable to attend I believe Phil Schmitt taped the event. The singing, dancing, and band were tremendous. My hats off to those involved and thank you for the hard work.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010


Well March came in like a lamb, but seems to be changing into a lion. Today I am at Pokey for Project Lead the Way and continuing to discuss technology. It is very informative and things we will discuss in Monday meetings. The board will be looking at the final lease documents on Thursday so we will see what that brings. If the lease is signed we will be moving forward with setting up PD at the end of the year and ordering the teacher machines. Have a great day.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010


It has been a wonderful week so far. The weather has been great and we are getting our first good melt. The elementary students are enjoying the snowhills in the morning, but are on the blacktop in the afternoon due to a marsh forming at the base of the hills. High school students are getting tired because we are here a full week, can't blame them. We will be having school on April 5th to recapture a snow day. I hope all is well with you.